Real-World Laboratory: Asylum Seekers

Goal and task

The Real-World Lab project in the Rhine-Neckar region focused on identifying the factors necessary for the quickest possible social integration of asylum seekers in the towns of Heidelberg, Sinsheim and Wiesloch. In particular, the following factors were considered to play a significant role in successful integration:

  • language acquisition
  • integration in the job market
  • decentralised living
  • civic engagement of members of the host community

Civic engagement and trisectoral cooperation

This sub-project (headed by the CSI) concerned the motivations behind civic engagement and the types of engagement undertaken by citizens and the associated organisations working in the fields of professional training and language proficiency, employability and social integration. Any trends and innovations were also identified. Of particular interest was how informal and formal actors in the civic community work together and how they cooperate with state, and in particular municipal actors, as well as representatives from the private sector. In addition, the impact of such collaboration on usual forms and conceptions of local cooperation and governance was investigated. In sub-project I, this was reflected in a focus on the tension between volunteer and official engagement. In sub-project II, investigation focused on aspects of trisectoral cooperation. In sub-project III, new forms of civic engagement in individual areas were considered.

Real-World Labs

In Real-World Lab projects, prevalent social issues and their possible solutions are investigated and scientifically evaluated. This enables the region's knowledge-base to be widened, the effectiveness of measures to be investigated and best-practice recommendations to be developed. > Further information: Real-World Labs (german)