Prof. Dr. Kathia Serrano Velarde

Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology
Heidelberg University
Bergheimer Str. 58
69115 Heidelberg
Room: 02.018e
Phone: 06221-54 29 80
Consultation Hour: LSF
Please sign up here for the consultation hour.
The consultation hour takes place in presence in room 02.018e.
Only in exceptional cases a consultation hour can be arranged via heiCONF.
Research Interests
Kathia Serrano Velarde is a professor for Political Sociology at Heidelberg University. Her research focuses on the transformation processes in European education and research. She wrote her PhD (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2007) on the emergence of a German market for quality assurance agencies. From 2007 to 2008 she worked as post doctoral fellow at the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations in Paris before joining the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology at Heidelberg. She currently works on research projects dealing with (1) new modes of financing and organizing research, (2) policy discourses and (3) volunteering and civic participation. Kathia is vice-president of research committee 17 („Sociology of Organization“) at the International Sociological Association and board member of the "Sektion Organisationssoziologie" at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
More information can be found here.
Recent Publications
- Serrano Velarde, Kathia (2020): Informal learning in formal organizations. The case of volunteer leraning in the hospital. Current Sociology, 68, no. 4, pp 572-591.
- Besio, Cristina; du Gay, Paul; Serrano Velarde, Kathia (2020): Disappearing organization? Reshaping the sociology of organizations. Current Sociology, 68, no. 4, pp. 411-418.
- Serrano Velarde, Kathia; Hölz, Martin; Schwarz, Miriam (2018): Zuschreibungsprozesse in der wissenschaftlichen Antragstellung. Eine historisch vergleichende Untersuchung der Antragsrichtlinien zur Drittmittelförderung. Soziale Welt, 69, no. 4, pp. 427-461.
- Christensen, Johan; Serrano Velarde, Kathia (2018): The role of advisory bodies in the emergence of cross-cutting policy issues. Comparing innovation policy in Norway and Germany. European politics and society, pp. 1-17.
- Gläser, Jochen; Serrano Velarde, Kathia (2018): Changing funding arrangements and the production of scientific knowledge. Introduction to the special issue. Minerva, 56, no. 1, pp. 1-10.
A full list of publications can be found here.
Current Research Projects
Completed Research Projects
- Organising grant funding for science. An institutional fied study of Germany's research grant programmes (DFG)
- Expertization of Public Inquiry Commissions? Democracy and Good Governance in a Europeanized Administrative Order (Norwegian Research Council)
- Self regulated learning strategies in volunteering organizations (pilot study)
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2014: Professor of Political Sociology
Max Weber Institute of Sociology, Heidelberg University - 2013 - 2014: Visiting Fellow
PACS, Stanford University
SCORE, Stockholm University - 2008 - 2013: Assistant Professor (Sociology of Culture and Organization)
Centre for Social Investment (CSI), Heidelberg University
Max Weber Institute of Sociology, Heidelberg University - 2007 - 2008: Post Doctoral Fellow
Sciences Po Paris - 2003 - 2007: Doctoral Fellow
Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin
Centre Marc Bloch
- Since 2014: Professor of Political Sociology