About the Conference
Wrongdoing can be a pervasive practice among different individuals, institutions, and countries. To frame some impacts deriving from corruption, the Heidelberg Research Group for Organization Studies (HeiGOS) hosts the Conference Politics, Organizations and Social Responsibility: Corruption Practices and
institutional development. The event closes a long-lasting partnership of German and Brazilian researchers while looking ahead to new perspectives and outcomes of deviant practices in our lives. Therefore, the conference is divided into three panels (Panel 1: “Politics and corruption practices: biddings, contracts & political parties’ financing”; Panel 2: “Corruption inside the organizations”; and Panel 3: “Global production chains and social responsibility”). Panels 1 and 2 explore in-depth academic investigations regarding impacts towards the political system and the organizational perspective. The speakers will be invited to dialogue with previous and current findings of the research project on Corporate Crime and Systemic Corruption in Brazil regarding wrongdoing, behavioral sciences, organizational studies, and political outcomes of judicial litigation. Since 2018 and jointly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), researchers have produced extensive material and datasets, including contributions for the book series published by Springer “Organization,
Management and Crime”. In this Conference, participants are invited to discuss different facets of wrongdoing, primarily environmental and social corporate
governance. There lies the focus of Panel 3, where new paths for the research agenda are yet to be explored. We invite all participants to participate in the discussions and contribute to understanding the deviant practices in politics, organizational studies, and social responsibility. The organizers of the Conference comprehend that such aspects are profoundly interlinked, and the event is only a starting point for scholars.
You can find the entire programme here.
1st – 2nd December 2023
Max-Weber-Haus, Heidelberg