Welcome to our Blog "organizational crime stories"
we, the Heidelberg Group for Organization Studies (HeiGOS), would like to offer you pointed and stimulating "Corporate Crime Stories" on a monthly basis. These stories will be drawn from the current research of our team at Heidelberg University’s Max-Weber-Institute for Sociology that is concerned with "Corporate Crime and Organizational Deviance Studies."
We will provide you with a sociological spotlight on high-profile cases of organizational crime, corruption and manipulation. As a consequence, we are less concerned with the individual offenders and their psychology. Instead, we focus on the actors’ constellations, on the incentives and opportunity structures that they face, and that eventually cause companies, hospitals, sports associations or other organizations and their personnel to leave legal tracks.
We understand our blog as a platform for an open and constructive culture of discussion. We would like to give you an entertaining, but nevertheless insightful reading, with an appropriate share of background information. Due to the provisional nature of these contributions, we do not claim to establish absolute truths. Instead, they are meant to provide a basis to develop scientifically reasonable opinions.
If you do not wish to receive our blog-posts in the future, please send us a short E-mail to the address below to be removed from the mailing list.
Yours sincerely,
Markus Pohlmann et al.
Please write to: heigos@soziologie.uni-heidelberg.de
Organized Crime in Pinstripes? The Tax Robbery with Cum-Ex and Cum-Cum Deals
November 23, 2018
George Orwell in China – Digitization as a Method of Total Social Control
February 9, 2018
Gattaca in China: The Birth of the First Genetically Engineered Humans
February 8, 2019
Off-Label Marketing and its Dangerous Side Effects: How Pharmaceutical Companies Sell Drugs
for Unauthorized Purposes May 5, 2019
Cling together, swing together? VW and Audi: Why companies cheat
November 2, 2016
Corruption in Korea – A Never Ending Story?
May 5, 2017
The Bet that South Korea wins... - Match-Fixing and the Role of the Referee
June 29, 2018
The Brazilian Dam Collapse and the German TÜV – Approved to Fail?
June 28, 2019
Slow Justice Is NO Justice! — Argentina’s Dysfunctional Judicial System
January 12, 2018
You can find all of our blog posts here: https://heigos.hypotheses.org
Topics covered in OCS blog posts:
The normalization of rule breaking. Sig Sauer's illegal pistol exports to Colombia, July 28, 2023
Lucky Strike - Cigarettes for the Dictator, May 12, 2023
The Power of Informal Rules: Heckler & Koch's Arm Exports to Mexiko March 10, 2023
"Ghostly" corruption - The clear-cut in the Carpathians
February 10, 2023
When the Church Fails – Sexual Abuse and Organizational Failure in the Archdiocese of Cologne April 24, 2021
When good advice is expensive - Purdue, McKinsey and the opioid crisis in the U.S.
February 19, 2021
Argentinean Christmas or: the chauffeur's notebooks
December 11, 2020
Trump and the Coal Buddies – A Farewell November 13, 2020
Dr. He or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the genetic engineering – China, USA and the Nobel Prize for CRISPR October 16, 2020
Medical Ghostwriting, scientific fraud and the "ghost marketing" of the pharmaceutical industry
vom 24.07.2020
Brasil and the dance on the edge of the volcano
vom 23.05.2020
Corona in China: The begining and end of a pandemic
vom 04.04.2020
A system of torture? The case of the Mexican police and investigation authorities
February 14, 2020
Stevia and the sweet life of “biopirates“
January 30, 2020
Publish and Perish? The Business of Predatory Publishers and Output Orientation in Science
December 14, 2019
Organizational Deviance and endemic corruption – Siemens and the love for Russia
November 28, 2019
Learning from Xi (Jingping) – The new “Dictator-App” in China and the digital dictatorship
Ocober 25, 2019
A challenge to democracy? Illegal Party and Campaign Financing in an international Comparison
July 19, 2019
Off-Label Marketing and its Dangerous Side Effects: How Pharmaceutical Companies Sell Drugs
for Unauthorized Purposes May 5, 2019
Campaign financing in India: Black Money and the Sale of Offices
April 26, 2019
The Scandal behind the Scandal: Why the Church Supplied New Victims to the Abusive Priests
March 15, 2019
Gattaca in China: The Birth of the First Genetically Engineered Humans
February 8, 2019
If Nation States do not Abide by Rules or Christmas in Jamaica
December 21, 2018
Organized Crime in Pinstripes? The Tax Robbery with Cum-Ex and Cum-Cum Deals
November 23, 2018
The (Bad) Dream of Integrity and Morality – And Its Role in Companies
October 26, 2018
Brazil: The Choice between Dictatorship and Corruption
September 28, 2018
When dogs bite - The new vaccine scandal in China
August 3, 2018
The Bet that South Korea wins... - Match-Fixing and the Role of the Referee
June 29, 2018
What do the Paradise Papers reveal? - The files Apple and Appleby
June 01, 2018
North Korean Forced Labour in the EU – The Long Arm of the North Korean Dictator
May 4, 2018
Election Campaing in Brazil: A Victory for the Political Corruption?
April 06, 2018
The Problematic Past of German Corporations in Latin America
March 09, 2018
George Orwell in China – Digitization as a Method of Total Social Control
February 9, 2018
Slow Justice Is NO Justice! — Argentina’s Dysfunctional Judicial System
January 12, 2018
In Search of Lost Integrity? – Integrity Management and Compliance
December 7, 2017
The Detection of Counterfeit Cancer Drugs in Germany: Whistleblowing and its Consequences
November 10, 2017
The Rise and Fall of the Son of A Chinese Peasant Farmer Family – And What It Tells Us about China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign
October 12, 2017
Kick it like Merkel – The Diesel Summit and the Defective Institutions of Environmental Protection
September 15, 2017
Can Brazil still be saved? On the Persistence of Political Corruption in Brazil
July 27, 2017
Systematic Cheating? Germany’s Organ Transplantation Scandal Revisited
July 3, 2017
Corruption in Korea – A Never Ending Story?
May 5, 2017
Easter Eggs and Chocolate Bunnies – Child Labour in the Chocolate Industry
April 7, 2017
Corruption in Football – FIFA, the German Football Association and Summer Fairy Tales
March 10, 2017
Can you buy off laws and politicians in Brazil? The testimonies of Brazilian top managers
February 9, 2017
The Christmas Story – A Not-always-serious Retelling from a Sociological-Criminological Perspective
December 16, 2016
Statement by the Heidelberg Group for Organization Studies (HeiGOS) on the presentation by Sérgio Moro on 9th December 2016
December 12, 2016
Lula, Moro and the Top Managers – „Operation Car Wash“ and the Fight Against Corruption in Brazil
December 1, 2016
Cling together, swing together? VW and Audi: Why companies cheat
November 2, 2016
Monika Bancsina, M.A.
Dominik Dauner M.A.
Dr. Friederike Elias
Laura Sophia Hauck, M.A.
Dr. Kristina Höly
Dr. Jaok Kwon-Hein
Dipl.-Soz. Yuanyuan Liu
Prof. Subrata Mitra, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Markus Pohlmann
Steffanie Richter, M.A.
Dr. Sebastian Starystach
Dr. Elizangela Valarini
Most recent OCS Blog:
The normalization of rule breaking. Sig Sauer's illegal pistol exports to Colombia, July 28, 2023