Nicolás Jaramillo, M.A.
Max-Weber-Institut für Soziologie
Universität Heidelberg
Bergheimer Str. 58
69115 Heidelberg
siehe LSF
Curriculum Vitae
Current work
Doctoral fellow at Max-Weber Institute of Sociology. Heidelberg University
Fields of research interests
- Democracy and democratization
- Political Corruption
- Organizational deviances
- Public - private relations and interests
Current research projects
- Political Corruption and Democracy in Colombia
- Violent Politics, Electoral Competition and Democratisation – Comparing India and Colombia. With Prof. Em. Subrata Mitra
- Deviances, Whistleblowing and Social Reactions in Canary Islands
Team member. Heidelberg Research Group for Organization Studies – Prof. Dr. Markus Pohlmann. heiGOS.
Leading team member. Permanent Colombian Cathedra “Citizenship, Integrity and Fight against Corruption” [Cátedra colombiana permanente “Ciudadanía, Integridad y Lucha contra la Corrupción]
- Latin American Studies Association
- DemocracyNet. Studying and Discussing Democracy
- Fachgruppe: Justice and Peace. KAAD - Latin America
Academic Distinctions
- 2022. LASA Grant
- 2019 - KAAD Scholarshipholder
- 2018. Credit-Scholarship. Granted by COLFUTURO-DAAD
- 2010. Magna Cum Laude Thesis [Meritorious Distinction]. Dissertation to obtain Master Degree, by Faculty of Human Sciences at The National University of Colombia.
- 2003. Graduate Fellowship. Granted by The National University of Colombia
- 1998-2002. Tuition Exemptions. For undergraduate level granted by Faculty of Board of Law, Political and Social Sciences
Current volunteer activities:
- DAAD-Freundeskreis. Regional Group Rhine-Neckar [Info]
- Katholische Universitätszentrum Heidelberg (KUZ). Taizé-Sharinggroup und Gebet. [Info]
Scientific and academic publications [Title translations]
[The criminals themselves: social views on punishment, criminality and the criminal system]
Velandia, Rafael; Gómez Alejandro; Solarte Ana María; Jaramillo, Nicolás (2018). Los sí delincuentes: visiones sociales sobre la pena, la criminalidad y el sistema penal. Colombia: Instituto Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios.
Book Chapters
[Balancing Representation Political Financing: The Regulation of Competing Legal and Illegal Organizations Resources in Colombia]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2021). "Balancing Representation and Political financing: The Regulation of Competing legal and illegal Organizations and Resources in Colombia". In Valarini. E, Pohlmann. M, Mitra, S (Edits), Political Corruption and Organizational Crime. The Grey Fringes of Democracy and the Private Economy. Germany: Springer VS.
[Identity Construction of People from Bogotá: a review from Álvaro Salom Becerra novels]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2016). La construcción de identidad bogotana: una lectura desde las novelas de Álvaro Salom Becerra.In M. Urdapilleta Muñoz, & M. Malychev (Edits.), Latinoamérica y Rusia en busca de su identidad. Toluca, México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - UAEM.
[Rulling Class and Political Corruption: 1837-1839 in New Granada (Colombia)].
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2014). "Clase dirigente y corrupción política: 1837-1839 en la Nueva Granada". In D. Hernández, E. Cruz Rodríguez, & N. J. Jaramillo Gabanzo, Ensayos de Teoría Política (págs. 413- 565). Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídico Sociales "Gerardo Molina".
[State and Class Struggle: Karl Marx contributions to its Socio-political and Empirical Analysis]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2013). "Estado y lucha de clases: algunos aportes hechos por Carlos Marx para su análisis sociopolítico y empírico". In J. Quiñones Páez (Ed.), Repensar a Marx hoy. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídico Sociales "Gerardo Molina", pp. 167-218.
[Political Corruption: Normative and Conceptual Thoughts oriented to its Empirical Studies]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2011). "Corrupción política: reflexiones normativas y conceptuales orientadas a su estudio empírico". In M. G. Roa Martínez, & A. L. Paz Rueda (Edits.), Herencia y Ruptura en la Sociología Colombiana y Contemporánea. X Congreso Nacional de Sociología. (págs. 1014-1029). Santiago de Cali, Colombia: Universidad ICESI.
[Rulling Class and Political Corruption: 1837-1839 in New Granada - Colombia]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2010). "Clase dirigente y corrupción política: 1837-1839 en la Nueva Granada". En J. E. Cachiotis, & C. García Ospina (Ed.), Memorias XV Congreso Colombiano de Historia [CD-ROM]. Bogotá, Colombia: Asociación Colombiana de Historiadores.
Journal Articles
[Perceptions of democracy in Colombia during the first decade of Twenty-first century: a preliminary analysis]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2015). "Percepciones sobre la democracia en Colombia durante la primera década del siglo XXI: análisis preliminares". VIA IURIS(18), 151-175.
[The Construction of Corruption, or the Rules of Separation and Purity Illusions in Bourgeois Societies]
- Translation to Spanish -
Bratsis, P.(2013). "La construcción de la corrupción, o las reglas de separación y las ilusiones de la pureza en las sociedades burguesas" (N. Jaramillo, Trand.) Revista Ciencia Política(15), 4-35 (Reimpreso de Social Text, 77, XXI (14),2003, pp 9-33). Original version [PDF]
[Is There Any Connection between Political Corruption and Democracy? A Theoretical Discussion Towards Establishing Possible Links]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2011). "¿Existe alguna relación entre la corrupción política y la democracia? Breve reflexión teórica orientada a establecer sus posibles articulaciones". Revista Opera(11), 241-257.
[Clientelism and Power. Critical review of some thoughts done about Clientelism in Colombia]
Jaramillo, Nicolás (2005). "Clientelismo y poder. Relectura crítica de algunas reflexiones hechas sobre Clientelismo en Colombia". Investigaciones en Construcción(5), 9-46.
Conference and Workshops
2022. - Video in Spanish - Political party financing: incidence and representation of private interests and construction of the public interest. Colombian Lecture Series: Citizenship, Integrity and the Fight against Corruption. Session: democratic integrity and electoral processes. University National of Colombia. Colombia. January 19th. Online
2021. - Video in Spanish - Unethical acts: long-term maladaptation problems. Forum: Business ethics and professional integrity. Faculty of Engineering. National University of Colombia. Colombia. August 25th. Online
2021. Balancing representation and political financing: The regulations of competing legal and illegal organizations and resources in Colombia. Law 1475/2011. Fourth Conference of the Academy against Corruption in the Americas. Transparency and Anti-Corruption Initiative. School of Government and Public Transformation. Monterrey Technological Institute. Mexico. May 14th. Online
2021. - Video in Spanish - Case of Teresitas Beach (Spain): Lessons for Action and Social Control. Colombian Lecture Series: Citizenship, Integrity and the Fight against Corruption. Session: citizen action to social control. University National of Colombia. Colombia. May 5th. Online
2022. From moral to business issues: public-private controversies in anticorruption laws in Colombia. Young Researchers Conference: Current developments in Latin America. Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Weingarten. June 24th.
2022. [With Mitra, Subrata] Rebels into Stakeholders and Demoratization: Looking at India and Colombia comparatively. Heidelberg Talks Online. Intercontinental Conversations. DAAD-Freundeskreis Rhein-Neckar. Heidelberg. Germany. June 3rd. Online
2022. Democracy in Colombia. How legal definition processes regarding the people who should rule have shaped the public-private tensions? Debates in Congress in 1994 and 2011. Promotionskolloquium des Max-Weber-Instituts. Heidelberg Universität. May 17th.
2022. Who are the 'people'? The Public-Private dichotomy in Colombian Democracy. Session organizer: Elections and issues at stake in Latin America. Socio-environmental polarization and rivalry between great powers. LASA Congress. May 8th. Online
2022. [With Mitra, Subrata] ‘Players in the shadows’: Violent Politics, Electoral Competition and Democratization – Comparing India and Colombia. Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latin America. LASA – EANLAS. February 15th. Online
2021. Shaping the Public: Articulation of Interests between organizational deviants and whistleblowers in Las Teresitas Case (Spain). 3rd workshop on corruption: “Regulations and Corruption”. Institute for Corruption Studies. Illinois State University. December 17th. Online
2021. Vested Interest and Democracy. Research Workshop. University of Zürich. December 9-10th. Hybrid: Zürich-Online.
2021 . "Ethics and social responsibility in artificial intelligence and data management". Certification courses on Smart Grids. National University of Colombia. Carbon Trust. Mining Energy Planning Unit (Colombia). November 11th. Online
2021. "Colombian Democracy-Building: between Peace Processes and Electoral Processes". Katholische Academische Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD) Annual Academic Meeting: Power and Freedom of Speech: Political identity and Language Biographies. Meeting of the professional Group: Justice and Peace. Germany. Online
2021. "Democracy and the Public-Private Dichotomy". KAAD Seminar: Democracy in Stress – Germany as a successful Model? Germany. Online
2020. “Colombian peace processes: bridges between Democracy and Arms”. Heidelberg Talks Online. Intercontinental Conversations. DAAD-Freundeskreis Rhein-Neckar. Heidelberg. Germany. Online
2020. Co-author (Jaramillo Nicolás and Bayona Felipe) “Protests by Colombians in the 21st century. Analog and digital participation of the young people”. Youth protest: Political and social participation in the digital age. Seminar KAAD and Katholischen Akademie St. Jakobushaus. Goslar. Germany
2019. “Corruption and Democracy: a Perspective from the public and the private interests. The Colombian case”. KAAD scholarship holders meeting in KUZ Heidelberg. Heidelberg. Germany
2015. “Political Culture in Bogotá: an Analysis from Novels written by Alvaro Salóm Becerra”. International Congress Contemporary cultural Identities of Latin America and Russia. Autonomous Mexico State University. Toluca, México.
2013. “Corruption and Democracy. Lessons about Corruption” Gaitán Cathedra. The National University of Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.
2013. Co-author (Jaramillo Nicolás, and Arizmendi Manuel). “Grounds to understand Law and its Debates: an exploratory Analysis”. 1st Congress of Philosophy, Law and Education. University of La Gran Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.
2013. “Political Corruption from some Comprehensive Sociology perspective”. 13th National Meeting. Groups and Centers of Socio-legal and Legal Network. Pasto, Colombia
2013. “Introduction to Niklas Luhmann´s Sociology”. Meeting. Niklas Luhmann Theory and a Critique from the Concept of Person in Iusnaturalism. University of La Gran Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.
2012. “Political Corruption and Ruling Class during 19th Century: England, EE. UU and France. A compared and exploratory revision”. 16th Colombian Congress of History. Colombian Association of Historians. Neiva, Colombia.
2012. “Legal pluralism in Legal research: What is the importance of Legal pluralism to understand Law?” 12th Socio-legal and legal Net. National Meeting. Groups and Centers of Sociolegal and Legal Net. Santa Marta, Colombia.
2011. “Political Corruption: Normative and Conceptual Analysis oriented to its Empirical Studies”. 10th National Congress of Sociology. Colombian Association of Sociology. Cali, Colombia.
2004. “Political Power in Colombia from Fernando Guillén Martínez perspective”. Political and Legal Colombian thinking. The National University of Colombia. UNIJUS. Bogotá, Colombia.
2004. “Clientelism and Power in Colombia Today”. Clientelism and Power in Colombia Today. Bogotá, Colombia.
Teaching experience
Political Theory.
Colombian Political History.
History of Political Thinking.
Political Sociology.
Legal Sociology.
Philosophy of Law.
Basic Statistics.
Research Methodologies.
Supervision of degree researches.
The National University of Colombia. Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Human Sciences. Bogotá. Colombia
University of La Gran Colombia. Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Postgraduate and Continuing Education. Bogotá. Colombia
University of Nariño. Center for Research and Socio Leal Studies. Pasto. Colombia
University Institution Colleges of Colombia. College of Law and Social Sciences. Chía. Colombia
Pontifical Javeriana University. Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations, and Faculty of Social Sciences. Bogotá. Colombia
The National University of Colombia. Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. Bogotá. Colombia
Administrative experience
2016. Director of The Research Center. College of Law and Social Sciences. University Institution Colleges of Colombia. Chía. Colombia
2012. Professional assistant in the planning area. Minor Mayoralty of Fontibón. Bogotá D.C. Colombia