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Sociology in Heidelberg
MWI History
MWI today
Jobs MWI
Bachelor Program Structure
Master’s Program
Teaching Highlight
International Students
Empirical Macrosociology – Prof. Dr. Matthias Koenig
heiGOS – Heidelberg Research Group for Organization Studies – Prof. Dr. Markus Pohlmann
Management Organization Careers (MOC)
Medical Organization Studies (MOS)
Organizational Crime Studies (OCS)
MRA: Regelabweichungen und präventive Handlungskonstellationen (FoF 4)
OCS-Blog – Organizational Crime Stories
Sociological Theory – Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwinn
The Weber Paradigm
Differentiation and Dedifferentiation
Social Inequality and Differentiation
Multiple Modernities
Religion and Disenchantment
Max Weber Edition
Political Sociology – Prof. Dr. Kathia Serrano Velarde
Freigeist Project – Dr. Elisabeth Becker Topkara
BMBF Junior Research Group – Dr. Lotta Mayer
Centre for Social Investment
Our Team
Research topics at CSI
Social Innovation
Civil Society and Civic Engagement
Social Impact Measurement
Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing
Governance in the Third Sector
Evaluation of the Equal Opportunities Act of Baden-Württemberg
Thematic Research Network: Philanthropy, Giving and Collecting
Transdisciplinary Transfer
WiWiSoGe – Wirkung von Wissenstransfer in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Social Impact Readiness Index – SIRI
System Innovation Lab
Real-World Laboratory: Asylum Seekers
Summer School „Social Entrepreneurship and Social Engagement in the North Caucasus”
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Media Category:
Freigeist Projekt S_Richter
Mosques title