Current projects
Compliance in Romanian companies (since 2022)
The project, which includes a field study of compliance measures and their effectivity in a Romanian company, has started recently and more details will be published here soon.
Evaluation of the Implementation Law for the Prostitutes Security Law (Ausführungsgesetz zum Prostituiertenschutzgesetz, AGProstSchG) in 2018–2022 (since 2021)
In this project, qualitative and quantitative surveys targeting representatives of relevant public agencies will be conducted and analysed in order to prepare a basis for a fact-based evaluation for the pending update of the law, and to help understand the causal network of formal rules and informal norms that are at play in this institutional setting.
Evidence-based corporate compliance (since 2021)
Making use of a mixed-methods-design including expert-surveys, interview analysis and a control-group based interventional study, we intend to determine, which of the various corporate compliance measures take the desired effects, and which do not. The project is based on the cooperation with project partners in the corporate field and will offer strong opportunities for knowledge transfer to companies as well as other types of organizations.
Organizational Crime and Systemic Corruption in Brazil (since 2019)
The international project team analyses recent cases of corruption in order to explain how the system of economic and political corruption functions, to determine the effects of institutional and organizational changes and to understand the role of law enforcement and of the anti-corruption regime.
Institutional Change, Re-organization and Working Conditions at Hospitals (since 2015)
The project focuses on the re-organization of hospitals in the context of institutional change in the health sector. As far as Germany is concerned, we pay particular attention to the phenomenon of the alleged “economization of the health sector” of the past two decades (an observation voiced regularly both in politics and science), and the shifts this involves for working conditions of medical staff, including increasing time pressure and workload.
Completed projects
Organizational Crime Studies
- How to explain and prevent illegal activities of organizations in Brazil and Argentina, Exzellenzinitiative – FoF4 (2016–2017)
- When deviance becomes the norm … – Studies on corruption in Chinese enterprises, Frontier (2016–2017)
- Organizational crime and functional deviance, Exzellenzinitiative – FoF4 (2016–2017)
- The Fight against Manipulation and Corruption, Volkswagen foundation (2015–2018)
- Loyalty and crime in organizations – Towards an explanation of bribery and manipulation in industrial companies and medical transplant centers, Frontier (2014–2015)
- Active corruption in companies – Causes and consequences of “useful illegality”, Exzellenzinitiative – FoF4 (2013)
- Globalization and Distribution Conflicts
Management Organization Careers
- Transculture of Capitalism Cluster of Excellence (2012–2016)
- Economic Elites in Brasil and Argentina, DAAD (2013–2015)
- Top Managers in East Asia, DFG (2011–2013)
- Economic Elites in Germany, DFG (2007–2009)
Medical Organizations Studies
- Change-making in the Health Sector, HEIKAexplore (2020)
- Hospital Management – New organizational and managerial approaches in international comparison (2012-2018)