Gudrun-Christine Schimpf



Dr. Gudrun-Christine Schimpf

Centre for Social Investment (CSI)
Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology
Heidelberg University
Bergheimer Str. 58
69115 Heidelberg


Office: Vossstr. 2, Building 4410,
69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 54119-85
Fax: +49 (0)6221 54119-99

Office Hours: by arrangement

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Research Focus

Gudrun-Christine Schimpf works as a researcher at the Centre for Social Investment (CSI) where she has been involved in different research projects on social innovations. Before, she did freelance work for several educational and cultural institutions. Furthermore, she assisted the management of the Arbeitskreis für moderne Sozialgeschichte e.V., Heidelberg.

Gudrun-Christine Schimpf holds a Dr. phil. from Heidelberg University as well as a Master in History and Political Science. During her study abroad at the University of Kentucky (U.S.A.) she focused on cultural history and gender studies. Her thesis „GELD MACHT KULTUR. Kulturpolitik in Frankfurt am Main zwischen Mäzenatentum und öffentlicher Finanzierung, 1866-1933“ dealing with the unfolding of cultural policy in the city of Frankfurt in the late 19th and early 20th century was awarded the Otto-Borst-Preis in 2005.

Gudrun-Christine Schimpf's research focus lies on social innovations, history of urbanisation, foundations, civic engagement and gender studies among others.

  • History of social innovations
  • Fresh water supply, infrastructure development
  • Social housing
  • History of urbanisation
  • Foundations and patronage

Current and completed projects




  • Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis, Fabienne Wallenwein, Georg Mildenberger, Gudrun-Christine Schimpf, 2023. ‘A Dialogue between the Humanities and Social Sciences: Cultural Landscapes and Their Transformative Potential for Social Innovation’. Heritage 6 (12): pp. 7674–7705. doi: 10.3390/heritage6120404.
  • Mildenberger, Georg; Schimpf, Gudrun; Streicher, Jürgen (2020): Social Innovation Assessment? Reflections on the impacts of social innovation on society - Outcomes of a systematic literature review. In: EPSIR 5 (2), S. 1–13. DOI: 10.31637/epsir.20-2.1.
  • Streicher, Jürgen; Schön, Lisa; Rosenball, Riccarda; Mildenberger, Georg; Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine (2020): Studie zu Folgenabschätzung von Sozialen Innovationen. Endbericht. Wien, Heidelberg. Online verfügbar unter
  • Georg Mildenberger, Gudrun-Christine Schimpf, Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, and Nadia von Jacobi: Empirical Approaches to Social Innovation, in: Alex Nicholls and Rafael Ziegler (eds). 2019. Creating economic space for social innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 80-108.
  • Gudrun-Christine Schimpf, Georg Mildenberger, Susanne Giesecke, and Attila Havas: Trajectories of Social Innovation: Housing for All?, in: Alex Nicholls and Rafael Ziegler (eds). 2019. Creating economic space for social innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 109-148.
  • Gudrun-Christine Schimpf and Rafael Ziegler: Trajectories of Social Innovation: Water For All?, in: Alex Nicholls and Rafael Ziegler (eds). 2019. Creating economic space for social innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 149-174.
  • Rafael Ziegler, Alex Nicholls, Jari Aro, Cees van Beers, Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Daniel Edmiston, Attila Havas, Risto Heiskala, Nadia von Jacobi, Klaus Kubeczko, Martijn Jeroen van der Linden, Lara Maestripieri, Georg Mildenberger, György Molnár, and Gudrun-Christine Schimpf: The Extended Social Grid Model Revisited, in: Alex Nicholls and Rafael Ziegler (eds). 2019. Creating economic space for social innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 341-362.
  • Nadia von Jacobi, Alex Nicholls, Daniel Edmiston, Attila Havas, Klaus Kubeczko, György Molnár, Georg Mildenberger, Gudrun-Christine Schimpf: Social Innovation Policy, in: Alex Nicholls and Rafael Ziegler (eds). 2019. Creating economic space for social innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 417-448.
  • Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine (2017), Comparative report on historic examples and similar recent social innovations in an early stage. Deliverable 5.3 of the project: “Creating Economic Space for Social Innovation” (CRESSI). CrESSI working papers. Brussels.
  • Scheuerle, Thomas, Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine, Glänzel, Gunnar and Mildenberger, Georg (2016): Report on Relevant Actors in Historic Examples and an Empirically Driven Typology on Types of Social Innovation. Deliverable 5.1 of the EU FP7 project “Creating Economic Space for Social Innovation” (CRESSI). CrESSI working papers. Brussels.
  • TEPSIE (2014): Doing Social Innovation. A Guide for Practitioners. A deliverable of the project: "The theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation in Europe" (TEPSIE). With the collaboration of Julie Simon, Jeremy Millard, John René Keller Lauritzen, Gwendolyn Carpenter, Gudrun Schimpf and Przemyslaw Leszek. Edited by the European Commission – 7th Framework Programme: European Commission, DG Research. Brussels.
  • Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine: Kommunale Verwaltung und Stiftungen am Beispiel Frankfurts am Main im ausgehenden 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert: Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel der Linel-Stiftungen und der Rothschild-Bibliothek, in: Adam, Thomas/Frey, Manuel/Strachwitz, Rupert Graf (Hrsg.): Stiftungen seit 1800. Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten (Maecenata Schriften, 3), Stuttgart 2009, 103-116.
  • Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine: „Goldene Jahre? Pforzheim in den Zwanzigern“, CD and Website for the exhinition in the Municipal Museum of Pforzheim, 2009.
  • Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine: GELD MACHT KULTUR, Kulturpolitik in Frankfurt am Main zwischen Mäzenatentum und öffentlicher Finanzierung, 1866-1933, (Studien zur Frankfurter Geschichte, Bd. 55), Frankfurt 2007.
  • Schimpf, Gudrun-Christine: Jüdin und Bürgerin. Hannah Louise von Rothschild und ihre Bibliothek, in: Ariadne 42, November 2002, 52-59.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 2014: Post-Doc CSI
  • 6/1996 - 10/2019: Freelance work for several educational and cultural institutions in Baden-Württemberg
  • 11/2008 - 12/2011: WisaWi – Kompetenz verbinden, Mannheim, Freelancer
  • 10/2007 - 10/2008: Kulturamt der Stadt Pforzheim, Exhibition curator
  • 2004: PhD
  • 06/2000 - 06/2002: Präsidium der Deutschen Verbände für Altertumsforschung e.V., Freelancer
  • 01/1999 - 12/2001: Arbeitskreis für moderne Sozialgeschichte e.V., Heidelberg, Research Assistant
  • 1996: Master Degree
  • 1989-1996: Studies of Medieval and Modern History as well as Political Science, Heidelberg University