Theory development and empirical testing (qualitative and quantitative design) of the relation between marginalization and social innovation
Goal and task
Goal: Understanding economic foundations, measurement approaches, relation to technological innovations, policies and lifecycles of social innovations; recommendations for policies, development of teaching material
The project explored how politics and (civil) society can improve the living conditions and well-being of marginalized populations in the European Union. In an international consortium with universities and research institutes from Oxford (project coordination), Budapest, Delft, Greifswald, Pavia, Tampere und Wien, we examined how social innovations can address marginalization. Theoretic foundations were Amartya Sen’s capability approach, German sociologist Jens Beckert’s Social Grid Model, and the framework of societal power sources by historic sociologist Michael Mann. The CSI was responsible for the coordination and conduction of several case studies as well as the analysis of life cycles of social innovation, among others centralised water supply, and social housing.
2014 - 2018
Project team
Dr. Georg Mildenberger (project manager)
Dr. Gudrun-Christine Schimpf
Thomas Scheuerle
Gunnar Glänzel
Project partners
> University of Pavia
> Austrian Institute of Technology
> Hungarian Academy of Sciences
> University of Tampere
> Delft University of Technology
> University of Greifswald
> University of Oxford
European Commission (FP-7)
> Creating Economic Space for Social Innovation (Alex Nicholls and Rafael Ziegler; Oxford University Press 2019)
> Link (UB Heidelberg)