Workshop Week in Brazil - Project "Corporate Crime and Systemic Corruption".
Under the title "Corporate Crime and Systemic Corruption in Brazil," a team of researchers from Heidelberg University (MWI), the Universidade Federal do Paraná, and the Universidade de São Paulo spent several days in Brazil at the beginning of April looking at new patterns of corporate crime and political corruption in Brazil. The goal of the meeting was to expand joint project work and strengthen international exchange.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba:
Event title: "Law and Politics."
During the event, current research approaches in the field of law and social sciences were presented.
Wednesday, 12/04/2023, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo:
Event entitled "Corporate crime and Organizational Wrongdoing - It`s not just about money".
Lecture by Prof. Markus Pohlmann on sociological insights into rule deviation in organizations.
Thursday, 13.04.2023, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo:
Internal, full-day workshop: Exchange between members of the research project, upcoming events and future collaboration.

international workshop, 11.04.2023-13.04.2023
Tuesday, 04/11/2023, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba
Wednesday, 04/12/2023, University of São Paulo, São Paulo
Thursday, 04/13/2023, University of São Paulo, São Paulo (internal workshop)