Colombian lecture series: Citizenship, Integrity and fight against Corruption

„Cátedra colombiana: Ciudadanía, Integridad y Lucha contra la Corrupción“ is a series of weekly lectures and discussions during the academic year, established by the National University of Colombia, RedEtica and Procuraduría General de la Nación in 2021. The heiGOS research group, and its Organizational Crime Studies team specifically, are among the cooperation partners.

Its objectives are both academic and activist. The „Cátedra“ aims to explore the foundations, dimensions and strategies underlying transparency and integrity in social, economic and political areas. It constitutes a results of the protests of 2019 in Colombia where citizens identified corruption als one of the main hindrances on their way to a more inclusive society, to safeguarding human rights and to achieving peace in the country. With this in view, a set of diverse social stakeholders prepared a format for discussions and lectures on conceptual and normative aspects of citizenship, integrity and anti-corruption. In addition to communicating relevant scientific results on these issues, it will offer opportunities to translate these results into social change.

Find video recordings of the lecture series on YouTube. Most sessions are held in Spanish.

Contact (heiGOS)
Nicolás Jaramillo, M.A.


Organized by

Lectures by heiGOS researchers

(Englisch) 21.04.2021, Ponencia complementaria sesión 7: How to explain and avoid Corporate Crime
Lecture by Markus Pohlmann (heiGOS), moderator: Nicolás Jaramillo (heiGOS)
(Spanish) 19.01.2021, Sesión 10: Integridad democrática y procesos electorales (Democratic integrity and elections)
Financiación de partidos políticos: incidencia y representación de intereses privados y construcción del interés público (Political party financing: Influencing and representing private interests, "constructing" public interest).
Moderator: Eduardo Rueda, speakers: Nicolás Jaramillo (heiGOS), Carolina Isaza, Joseph Pozsgai und Sandra Martínez
(Spanish) 05.05.2021, Sesión 9: Acción ciudadana para el control social (Civil action for social control)
Caso del frente de playa Las Teresitas (España): lecciones para la acción y el control social ( the Las Teresitas (Spain) case: Lessons for social action and control.
Moderator: Diana Hincapié, speakers: Nicolás Jaramillo (heiGOS), Blanca Bórquez Polloni, Claire Launay, Elsa Quiñones, Oscar Mejía, Fabio Velásquez, Juan Pablo Duque

Other participation:

27.10.2021, Sesión 3: Corrupción, cultura y democracia (Session: Corruption, Culture, Democracy)
Moderator: Nicolás Jaramillo (heiGOS), speakers: Gabriel Misas, Carlos Páramo, Stephen Morris und Blendi Kajsiu

19.05.2021, Sesión: Control social y representación política (Session: Social control and political representation)
Moderator: Nicolás Jaramillo (heiGOS) andJuan Carlos Lozano, speakers: Carolina Isaza, Diana Hincapié, Miguel Ángel Herrera und Sandra Martínez

21.04.2021, Sesión: Integridad y transparencia empresarial (Session: Integrity and corporate transparency)
Moderator: Nicolás Jaramillo (heiGOS), speakers: Alberto López, Alejandra Fierro, Gabriel Bohórquez, Germán Urdaneta, Jennyfer Vargas, Wilson Herrera.
Complementary session: Markus Pohlmann (heiGOS) (see above).